SIOS Support
SIOS Technical Documentation

Here you will find general terms and navigational tips for our documentation site.

General Terms:

Release Notes: Read This Document Before Attempting To Install Or Use This Product!  This document contains last minute information that must be considered before, during and after installation. It also contains the New Features, Bug Fixes and Discontinued Features.

Installation Guide: The topics in the Installation Guide will assist in defining your environment and setting up, licensing and installing the LifeKeeper software.

Technical Documentation: The topics in the Technical Documentation provide instructions for configuring, administering and troubleshooting LifeKeeper.

LifeKeeper in a Cloud Environment: SIOS supports critical applications in the cloud without sacrificing HA/DR protection. Please refer to the specific cloud guides for configuration instructions and examples for AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud platforms.

Support Matrix: The Support Matrix includes supported configuration details.

Application Recovery Kits: The LifeKeeper Application Recovery Kits (ARKs) include tools and utilities that allow LifeKeeper to manage and control a specific application. This includes the optional recovery kits that are available with this release of LifeKeeper.

Parameters List: These topics explain the names and meanings of the Core and the Recovery Kit tunable parameters. (Linux only) 

Search for an Error Code: The message catalogs allow you to search for a specific error code. (Linux only)

Supported Storage: This is a list of LifeKeeper for Linux supported storage and should be considered when configuring your environment. (Linux only)

The above terms can also be accessed by hovering over a desired topic for a few seconds:

Navigational Tips:

Tip #1: Navigating To A Specific Version Number

1. Select a Topic:

2. Use the dropdown at the top of the documentation page to find the version you are looking for:

Tip #2: Finding Older Versions

Select the "Older Versions" Topic:

(This will bring you to a page for Windows/Linux of all supported AND unsupported releases of our product.)

Tip #3: Upgrading

Please Note: SIOS recommends upgrading to the latest version of the product so that the improvements implemented between releases are made available for better ease of use. 

To reach instructions on how to upgrade: Select the "Upgrade" Topic:

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